What Is a Comic Book Hero?

We have in our minds that a comic book hero is a super powered being in tights and perhaps a cape, running around saving the day. But in truth, what is a comic book hero? Does it go beyond colorful costumes and personalities, or is it just the visual perception that matters?

Typically, when we think of comic books we think of superheroes. After all, the superhero genre is the biggest and most well-known genre in comics. We all know who Spider-Man, Batman, The X-Men and Superman are. These are comic book heroes in our minds. But comic books go beyond the spandex clad super powers and always have. Comic book heroes also consist of cops, private eyes, cowboys, pirates, and many other types of people or characters. As many genres as there are in comics (fantasy, sci-fi, western, nir, superhero, etc.) there are that many more types of heroes.

Think of young Luke Skywalker. Sure, he derived from the silver screen, but he and his descendants have graced comics for years. As have Zorro and the Lone Ranger, the crew from the Battlestar Galactica and many more. And TV and Film franchises aside, there are all kinds of heroes that don't don the capes and tights or possess super powers, like The Spider, G.I. Joe, The Question, Groo, Bone, Usagi Yojimbo and many others.

To truly answer the question "what is a comic book hero?" though, we have to look beyond the iconic and majestic natures of the characters and look at what actually qualifies them as heroes. And that, of course, would be their character, their beliefs, their resolve and inner strength, and their purpose. They must be generally good, have guidelines and limits, be convinced of their beliefs and stay strong to them, and follow a path that leads them to their purpose and goals in life. These are the traits of a comic book hero, and heroes in general.

Forget about the morality of the hero, or their life choices and the like. Those are the aspects that qualify or disqualify them as decent people or role models, which is completely different than the definition of a hero. Heroes are selfless in the heart of their mission and will put saving and helping others above themselves in the moment. Heroes will give their lives for a cause, and make their mark on the world by being who they are, in the moment.

So what is a comic book hero? Simply a dedicated person of resolve that risks his life or reputation to help those in need in the moments that count. That's what a comic book hero is. by Vince P.Platania,Jr.

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